Middle East CX Conference 2015 Countdown Newsletter
After one of the slowest and hottest regional summers on record, most organisations are now back into their business groove and pushing hard to close the year on a high note and/or actively planning for 2016
Looming large on many corporate agendas is the relevance of customer experience or, as many still prefer to call it customer satisfaction, despite the fact that the two terms can mean two very different things and consequently lead to two very different outcomes. So, for example, good customer satisfaction scores doesn’t necessarily equate to good customer retention, an increasingly important business metric, but the right type of customer experiences will lead to both higher customer satisfaction scores and increased customer retention.
Against the background of nuances such as this, the critical need to understand key Customer Experience (CX) concepts clearly and above all the increasing urgency for regional organizations to up their CX game, the Middle East CX Conference 2015 is being staged. As always, at an INSIGHTS Conference, a talented set of international experts will make for a distinguished speaker platform – complete with a wide range of backgrounds in contact centres, digital customer service, survey design and analysis, branding, outsourcing and e-commerce. Couple their sharing of proven best practice with regional customization issues and research from the Middle East CX Executive Council, and what you have is an unrivalled combination of experience and expertise from which to learn, network and get your CX projects off and moving on the right track.
For more details on the forthcoming Middle East CX 2015 conference and to register go to http://www.cx-me.com. Note that by acting quickly you will also be able to take advantage of “early bird” offers available until the end of the month.
Elsewhere in this countdown newsletter you can enjoy some informative, pre-CX-event reading from some of our best and most insightful contributors.
First up is Martin Hill-Wilson, one of the speakers at the Middle East CX 2015 Conference, and who reveals why he thinks it’s time to get off the fence and start taking some initiative as far as CX is concerned, before it is too late!. This is followed by the imitable and “tell-it-as-it-is” Kathleen Peterson with her direct and “you know she is absolutely correct” thoughts on how organizations can make their CX lives so much easier by placing their emphasis in the right areas, and to do it with EASE!.
And finally a reminder in our last piece about our new Middle East CX Awards 2015 competition and all the good things that will undoubtedly flow from your participation.
Enjoy, Dominick